™ Creative Group | web design/revision:thinking

ACCESSIBILITY • USABILITY • FINDABILITY james parsons & assoc. | tripoli, iowa
  If you are looking for Parsons Technology, you need . Sorry, but we're not them.

Please note: Pages on this site are designed to be viewed with a level 5 or higher browser supporting CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). If you can read this, it means you are using an older browser that does not fully support XHTML and/or CSS. This page will look much better in a browser that supports web standards , but will be accessible to any browser or Internet device. "Toggle" links: It may be necessary to turn off javascript on earlier Netscape 4.x, etc., versions to view entire content on this page.


Forward compatible, cross-platform, & standards compliant, web design & management for small businesses & organizations


“ Simplified web design
& content management!”

We design, produce, build, & maintain
affordable, effective, elegant,
standards compliant,
cross-platform accessible,
forward compatible, user friendly,
& findable websites
for small businesses,
professionals, and organizations
of all kinds.
Hand coding in valid (X)HTML & CSS
means your site will work tomorrow,
and next year, too!
The goal is faster loading pages,
with less cost to maintain and update."

» Web design,
maintenance, & hosting
for small businesses, professionals,
& organizations!

» Update, & revise existing sites
or produce a whole new site!

» Hand coded XHTML & CSS!

» Objective = less cost, improved findability, better results!


"Our clients are successful business
& professional people
who wish to achieve objectives.
Our objective is to help them do it..."
- James Parsons

Don't let your web site project end up being " setting up the deck chairs on the Titanic"

A brief, frank message: "A credible standards compliant, cross-platform, accessible (see W3C-Business Benefits of Accessible Web Design ), & usable web presence can be a vital marketing, commerce, public relations, and brand building asset (any and all the above) for any small business, professional practice, or organization reaching out to a customer/client base for their bread and butter.

For those venturing onto the Web without understanding the building blocks, the difference between semantical structure & presentation, it can quickly begin to resemble something like a snake & alligator infested swamp full of quicksand.

The snakes, alligators, & quicksand are conflicting ideas; standards; & outmoded, archaic techniques. Some of these go back to the Jurassic Period of the Internet (the mid-90s), but they still linger as a kind of conceptual congestion. For example, you can't wriggle into a 'top 10' profile on the search engines using meta-tag voodoo and frequent re-submissions. This is one of those notions that keeps rearing it's venomous head. It's not true. In fact, improper use of meta-tags is actually "spamming" and can result in your site being excluded from many of the primary indexes/search engines.

So don't kid yourself; If you don't know XHTML 1.0 from HTML 3.2 or CSS from DOM or understand the differences & issues separating accessibility & semantical structure from presentation and these things all "sound like Greek" to you, you need somebody like us.

A site that actually "works" is not something you can buy in a box off the shelf at Office Depot. For the past 10 years we've been learning the ins-and-outs of effective, successful web design; what works and what doesn't. Our mission is to guide our clients through the snakes & alligators and around the quicksand to solid ground and do it quickly and for a reasonable cost. This is what we do and it works!" --James Parsons

» rough costs?

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deco rule

[On Thursdays, we let cows come to town... Mooooooooooo!] Web designers since January, 1998!, (also known as BatWorks™ Creative Group), is a small web design, hosting, & management agency located in the smaller town of Tripoli nestled into the rolling countryside of northeast Iowa. We first went online with a small personal site in 1996...
(back in the <blink></blink> days).

In November 1997, we launched our first small client project.

In January, 1998, we hung out our shingle as "" and since then, we've designed, launched, maintained, and hosted sites (some of which we've even donated) for over 150 different small to medium-sized businesses, organizations, professionals, and community groups throughout Iowa, North America, & the world. In May, 2002, we were able to acquire the domain and since then we've also been known as "BatWorks™ Creative Group" reflecting our objective of endeavoring to provide same day or overnight client service whenever possible.

Of course, business being what it is, not every client we've ever served is still with us. Some have quit while others have moved on (and, a couple of those have moved back). In five years time, one or two have simply gone out of business or into different businesses. Nevertheless, we have retained over 90% of our client base with less than a 10% churn rate ( industrypeak for turnover ). Slightly over nine out of ten clients who have retained us since January 1998, are still with us. Our objective has always been to provide simple, smart, thrifty, & scalable web design, revision, management, & hosting solutions that work .

Building, revising, and updating client sites in hand coded XHTML & CSS, we steer clear of proprietary publishing & coding solutions/technologies in favor of logical semantical structure & valid cross-platform compatible html and seek to focus more on customer/user oriented design. The objective is to produce forward compatible sites (that won't break in the next browser version). When indicated, we adapt and design Content Management Systems that deliver improved usability, accessibility, and findability for less than the cost of many WYSIWYG template driven, proprietary HTML based solutions. If you think we might be able to help you attain your objectives, we'd like to hear from you .

Besides our core group of site design/maintenance & hosting clients, we provide scalable Linux hosting solutions (with occasional assistance with html/design issues, writing, editing, graphic design, etc. ) for site owners who, otherwise, produce their own content. So, if you just need hosting, we still want to hear from you

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The Web Standards Project

Got a question or want to make a preliminary no cost - no obligation - no commitment inquiry about site design, development, revision or maintenance options?

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